Using Online Polls to Promote Active Learning and Student Engagement

Developed by Fernanda Blanco Vidal [email protected]             “Technology doesn’t inherently improve learning; it merely makes possible effective pedagogy, and only when it is consonant with an instructor’s educational philosophy and beliefs and reinforced by other components of the total course” (Beatty, 2004, p. 08)    Have you ever introduced a new concept in your classroom and asked the students what they think about it, but they have remained quiet? Or have you assigned an excellent reading that you’re sure will promote interesting discussions, but your students don’t connect with the content? As educators, many of …

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Using Photography in the Classroom: Centering Student Participation and Creative Expressio

Developed by Sakina Laksimi-Morrow As we prepare to teach in online and hybrid classrooms in the fall semester and beyond, the challenges of maintaining student engagement and lifting up student voices require attention as we design and adapt syllabi and assignments.  Assignments that ask students to take photographs engage students in important skills and practices such as documenting, archiving, framing, curating and sharing content and ideas. This workshop will provide opportunities for participants to explore different types of photography assignments, and use  a backward design to create their own assignment. This pedagogical approach draws on elements from visual and arts-based …

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