Video Production for Online Teaching

Developed by Mike Mena, The Publics Lab This workshop, courtesy of the PublicsLab at the Graduate Center, offers three videos: a “crash course” approach to audio/video production; a primer on “Camera Angles and Lighting Techniques” and  “Advanced Audio Methods & Pedagogy.” “The Crash Course” Are you “really bad” at this? What do our ideologies about media tell us about ourselves? Tips on creating a talking-head background Edit a lecture on iMovie (or any other program) Constructing an onscreen personality: “Personality Work”   “Camera Angles and Lighting Techniques” The importance of camera angles Designing you backgrounds (advanced lighting techniques) Your background …

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Getting Started with OER

Developed by Laurie Hurson This workshop will provide an introduction to open digital pedagogy by focusing on a core tenet of open teaching: the use of open educational resources, or OER. New York State has invested significantly in the development and deployment of OER at CUNY and SUNY over the past three years, and there are active and engaged OER programs on each CUNY campus. These initiatives are even more important during the current public health crisis, when access to libraries is severely constrained and the resources to acquire textbooks are ever more scarce. All instructors should be aware of …

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Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative & Creative Assignments

Developed by Inés Vañó García Description Writing is a central aspect of academic life. As instructors, we regularly assign essays, compositions, proposals, annotated bibliographies, and final papers. There are, however, alternatives or accompaniments to these written assignments that may accomplish similar goals, or facilitate additional ones. Podcasts, zines, timelines, and other creative assignments allow students to produce artifacts with audiences beyond their instructor in mind, and to acquire knowledge, experience, and transferable skills that they can use throughout their lives and careers. These approaches also can invigorate the writing that students do in their courses and by allowing alternative paths …

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