Video Production for Online Teaching

Developed by Mike Mena, The Publics Lab This workshop, courtesy of the PublicsLab at the Graduate Center, offers three videos: a “crash course” approach to audio/video production; a primer on “Camera Angles and Lighting Techniques” and  “Advanced Audio Methods & Pedagogy.” “The Crash Course” Are you “really bad” at this? What do our ideologies about media tell us about ourselves? Tips on creating a talking-head background Edit a lecture on iMovie (or any other program) Constructing an onscreen personality: “Personality Work”   “Camera Angles and Lighting Techniques” The importance of camera angles Designing you backgrounds (advanced lighting techniques) Your background …

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Equity and Access in the Online Learning Space

Developed by Lindsey Albracht This workshop bridges the concepts of equity (broadly conceived) and accessibility, treating them as related and intersecting. Its intention is to increase our collective and individual capacity to become more equity and accessibility-minded educators: especially in the online classroom, where existing inequity and a lack of accessibility can sometimes be magnified, but which is also a place that can offer new forms of engagement and connection. Over the course of this workshop, you can expect to: Further explore, consider, and apply definition(s) and intersections of equity and access within the teaching and learning context on your …

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